Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Golf and Tennis Practice

Meg started tennis practice this week.  She had been excited for the season to start as she really enjoys her teammates and her coach.  It sounds from listening to her that the lessons really helped her this winter and that she was already hitting the ball a lot harder than last year.  I also ran into her old coach, Drew.  He said he was ready to work on her overheads anytime that she wanted too.

Cam also started golf practice this week.  Since there will not be a middle school team he will be able to practice with the high schoolers and even follow along in some of the matches.  His first priority will be chess and tennis, but he will be on the course as much as possible.  So far he really enjoyed the first two days as they worked on chipping and putting.  My Dad found him a new set of irons and he can't wait to try them out.

Doug was home to make nachos for everyone tonight.  He and Cal enjoyed the fish ones that he made, while Brett, Cam and I stuck with the traditional ones.  Meg went with Nick to Louie's tux shop and then ate dinner at his house this evening.  After dinner the five of us played The Donner Dinner Party Game.  It was a lot of fun and we all learned that Brett would not do well at playing poker as he can't keep a straight face to save his life.

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