Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Cam was exciting to go back to school toady as they were scheduled to butcher a pig this morning.  It was all he could talk about on our way in and all he could talk about on the way home.  He told me about the parts of the pig and what meat comes from what area.  He filled me in on how to butcher a pig and said that he only gagged once when he had to clean up some blood.  In addition to the pig, he also learned how to butcher a duck and a chicken.  He could describe the different methods used for both as their leg joints were not the same.  He offered to butcher any and all ducks at Grandma's if she needed him too.

Even though I couldn't completely understand his excitement on the topic, it was fun listening to him talk.  Cameron had always been our science enthusiast, so I shouldn't have been surprised by his enjoyment of this class.  My Mom and Aunt Vicky both suggested that instead of becoming a butcher, Cam could use his newfound skills to become a surgeon.  He and I had talked about that several times over the past few years.  He hadn't ruled it out as of yesterday.

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