Thursday, March 21, 2019

March Madness

Well, March Madness arrived this afternoon and once again IU was not in the tournament.  At first that felt disappointing, especially since they started their season so well, but in the end we were all ok with it.  The Hoosiers did get the number #1 seed in the NIT and won their opening game Tuesday night.  It was also less stressful watching the madness begin knowing that IU wasn't going to be national champions this year.

I watched several of the games this afternoon while I was painting.  Cal texted me to give me his thoughts on today's action.  Unlike me, he wanted Michigan State to win as I had hoped that Bradley would pull off the upset.  When I picked Cameron up from tennis to take him to golf, he talked a lot about the 'Sota game that he had watched on his phone.  We were both happy that the Golden Gophers upset Louisville.

Tonight Cameron went to Mr. Miller's March Madness party at Bethany.  It was meant for his sports poetry interterm class, but he allowed Cam to join in the fun since Mr. Miller knew that he was really into college basketball.  While he was there, Doug and I went to Hacienda for dinner.  We were surprised that none of their televisions were tuned to the basketball games.  Since there weren't any on that we really wanted to watch, it was alright with us.  We did make it home in time for Doug and Cam to catch the Purdue game.  They were both happy at the end of the night as The Big Ten teams went 5 and 0.

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