Tuesday, March 26, 2019

A Rare Night Out

My goal today was to dust the entire house and to get out the Easter.  It took longer than I thought it would, but by the time Doug got home from his meeting at the church I had finished it all.  I was glad to finally put the St. Patrick's away.  The house looked more like Spring with the Easter decorations all around.  With all of the housework that I had been doing these past two days, I not only had a clean house, but had caught up on my Sopranos watching.  I had hoped to finish season two before we left and it looks like I should be able to do that.  I've been texting Cal after each episode to let him know what I thought about the plot and/or characters.  It was one of his favorite shows and I can definitely see why.

Tonight Doug and I went to dinner at The Frog.  We haven't been going out as much because of the expense, but it was half price pizza night and by the time we left our bill was only $25, even including drinks.  I enjoyed talking to Doug and we kept track of the IU game as well.  A win would have put them in the final four of the NIT at Madison Square Gardens.  Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be.  Cam was ok with it as he felt that there was potential for next year.  We were all sad when we realized that Juwann Morgan had played his last game for the Hoosiers.  Meg had dinner with Nick tonight and hung out at his house for awhile.  They had a nice evening and she made it home in time to pack some more before she went to bed.  

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