Thursday, May 14, 2015

Spring Arts Festival

When I met with Cindy last year about my PPD goal we decided that I should undertake heading up the Spring Arts Festival.  During the two years I have been at Milford several parents have complained that the program is too long, lasting at least an hour and a half.  Some parents decided to leave as soon as their child was done performing even though another group was playing or singing.  Cindy thought if one person in the Encore was in charge of the organization of it all we could change the format and make it more audience friendly.  By making this my PPD I would also be able to check off leadership in my teacher evaluation.

We had several meetings during the year and several discussions about the program, but in the end we agreed to try three twenty minute concerts (orchestra, choir and band) with a short break in between for anyone who wanted to leave. This would also allow parents time to walk through the cafeteria to look at the students artwork, FACS, IT and Robotics projects.  The last two years it was barren in that area as everyone was confined to the gym.

There were a few hiccups and orchestra ran late, but other than that the night was a complete success.  I heard from several parents that they really enjoyed this new format.  Doug even heard two administrators from the high school talking about how much they enjoyed the night's activities and appreciated the change.  The parking lot was even accessible which was a problem in the past.  As we cleaned up the cafeteria, Mr. Woodard looked at his watch and said, "This is the earliest we have ever been finished for the evening.  Great job!"  I am glad that everyone seemed to be in favor of the change.  I knew it would work if we tried it.

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