Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Projects Galore

This must be the time of the year when all teachers assign projects for their students or at least that is how Meg and Cameron are feeling.  Cameron brought home his rubric for a "fun at home project" for his wax museum character.  Cameron picked Walt Disney and has already ready two of his biographies.  He has written his notes and tonight we bought a three way poster board for all of his pictures, quotes and information.  Cameron is excited about his project, but we may need to wait until the weekend to finish it as it does take time to print everything he needs and to paste it on the board.

Meg wasn't quite as excited about her projects - a leadership one for Language Arts and a prism for Honors Geometry.  She finished up the poster on leadership last night and I was able to help her with her hexagonal prism today.  Both looked nice, but she was still annoyed about being assigned them.  I know she will get a good grade on them at least.

Cal was the lucky one of the three as his project was actually going to Cedar Point with the physics class.  He left at 5:30 this morning and was back close to 11 p.m.  He was tired, but had a great time.  After awhile the rides got to him, but he was able to handle all of them.  Next week he will be going to Chicago with the AP students.  A well deserved reward for making it through the year.

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