Sunday, October 6, 2024

A New Relationship with Rain

When we lived in Indiana, my least favorite weather was rain.  I hated it and avoided it with all costs.  Spring rain was the worst as it was usually cold as well. Watching golf matches when it was 40 degrees and rainy was just miserable. Because of this, I complained more about the rain while we were in Syracuse than I ever did snow, ice or even below zero-degree temperatures.

Because of my hatred of rain, I wasn't sure how I would handle moving to Florida.  There is definitely more rain here.  One afternoon this summer, we got four inches in less than two hours.  There are also more storms and an entire rainy season down here.  

Overall, I have been surprised with how well I have adjusted to the rainy weather.  I have a heavy-duty raincoat and carry an umbrella with me on most afternoons during the rainy season.  I even have an umbrella in the garage ready to go in case I need to get to my car when it's storming.  Then of course, there is another umbrella in my car to get back into the garage when it's raining.  I think that one reason that I have adjusted so well to the rain is because it is a small price to pay for the vast amount of sunshine that we have increased in our life since moving.  It also is not as cold when it rains here.  This, Sunday when we were in Gainesville, the temperature never dropped below 70 degrees even though it rained all day. 

The best part about getting used to the rain is that I have been doing more outside in it.  I was able to attend the IU vs Maryland game in the rain.  We could also still visit all of our favorite stops this weekend and even a new brewery without the rain dampening the mood or freezing me out.  Of course, I did have a sweatshirt on when everyone else was wearing short sleeves, but that's a whole other story.  

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