Thursday, January 27, 2022

Road Trip

Doug had scheduled himself to work in Ocala for the next few weeks as he had a new employee to greet and software training to attend.  To break up the time that he was gone, we made plans for me to visit him several times during his stay.  Cameron was invited to travel along as well, but had multiple school events that he wanted to attend and we knew it would be hard to work around his schedule.  Thus, we came up with dates that I needed to be here with Cameron and ones that worked to be in Florida with Doug.  I also had to plan around Meg's weekend at home in February and Brett's birthday celebration.  Cal was busy for most of February and didn't know his remote schedule, so he thought it was best for us to make our plans and he would work around them.

The first trip down to Florida was scheduled for this week.  Doug planned to drive it leaving on Tuesday afternoon with me flying to Orlando the following day.  Several things changed our decision, but most importantly was the weather.  With the deep freeze coming, we knew that it was very likely that my flight would be delayed or cancelled on Wednesday.  Thus, we decided that it was best for me to cancel my flight and drive with him.

It had been almost a decade since we had drive the trip and it went pretty well.  The only serious traffic that we ran into was in Indianapolis and north of Nashville.  Traveling through the mountains wasn't as scary as I remembered and thankfully, we made it through Atlanta before we stopped at 1 a.m.  That made our trip on Wednesday an easy one.  Besides our overnight stay, we only stopped two other times during the sixteen hour trip.  I was more than happy to stretch my legs when we arrived in Ocala, but overall it was an easy trip.  

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