Friday, January 21, 2022

Happy 17th Birthday, Cameron!

Today was all about Cameron and his 17th birthday.  The celebrating actually started last night when he got home from the girls' basketball game.  I had already decorated the house and Doug had his gift ready for him when he arrived.  Cameron had told us earlier in the week that if by chance he was getting a Joe Burrow Bengals jersey for his birthday, he wouldn't mind getting it early so he could wear it to school on Friday as they had a big game against the Titans on Saturday.  We were all prepared for that when IU changed our plans.  Cameron called on his way home from Bethany to say that if IU won, he wanted to wear as much IU gear as possible on Friday.  Thus, all of the decorations stayed up and the Bengals quarterback jersey waited for today.  Doug told me that if all it took for IU to beat Purdue was for us to buy a Burrow jersey, he would have bought one four years ago.

This morning Cameron started his day completely decked out in IU gear.  He was happy to show off his Hoosier pride to all of his classmates that doubted IU's ability to beat Purdue.  He said that his day at school went very well after that.  He received a lot of Happy Birthday greetings and messages via social media.  His Bible even teacher reminded him that he only had one more year to commit a crime as a minor.  

Cameron stopped at Casey's on his way home to pick up a birthday snack - sour cream & onion chips with a Pepsi to drink.  Once he arrived, we listened to Kid Cudi and watched the IU game.  It was just as good as last night and a lot less stressful since we knew that IU had already won.  Doug finished the game with us once he arrived home and afterward we ordered Chinese for dinner - Cameron's choice.  

Grandma and Grandpa came up for the next part of Cameron's birthday celebration, opening gifts and eating cake and ice cream.  Cameron was thrilled with his presents - a Joe Burrow jersey, red Van high tops, ripped jeans, candy, money, Amazon gift certificate, a gaming chair and a vintage Billy Joel vinyl.  He tried on his clothes right away, set up his chair and listened to his new album.  All fit well.  We spent the rest of the evening enjoying Cameron's cake and playing "Oh Hell!"  It was the perfect way to celebrate Cameron's 17th birthday.

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