Thursday, December 10, 2020

Officially Done With the Orthodontist (for Cam At Least)

 This morning I was up bright and early to get Cameron to his orthodontist appointment.  For the first time all year I did not check on him after I woke him up.  At 7:18 I realized that I hadn't heard him moving up in his room.  I was panicked when I knocked on his door and he groggily answered back.  We had to leave at 7:20 to ensure that we were there by 8 a.m.  I got him up and made sure that he brushed his teeth before we left.  We finally made it out the door at 7:28.  Thankfully, I knew a shortcut, we were able to avoid the buses, and we didn't get stopped by a train.  We made it across Warsaw in thirty minutes without even speeding.  Cam was in the door by 8 a.m. 

I settled in for what I thought would be thirty or forty minutes of waiting when all of a sudden Cameron came back to the van.  One of the assistants was with him and said that he was done.  He could now switch to wearing his retainers at night and didn't need to come back unless there was an issue with the appliance.  I was surprised but happy to hear the news.  As we drove home, it dawned on me that Cameron had made it an entire year with losing either retainer.  When we left the orthodontist last December, we talked about the importance of keeping track of them and the expense of losing them.  In all honesty, I knew it was a long shot that we wouldn't have to replace one of the other some time before he moved to nightime wearing only.  

I told Cam today that I was impressed with his ability to keep track of his retainers and then we both laughed about the one time that he almost lost them.  Shortly after he began wearing them he had put them in a napkin at lunch and accidentally threw them in the compost pile at Bethany.  He realized what he had done right away and Tara told him where to look for them.  He said he almost threw up looking for them, but she reminded him that it was only leftover food so he should be fine.  He found them quickly and put them in his pocket until he could clean them at home.  Maybe that one incident was enough for him to never forget them again.  Either way I was proud of him for making it the year without any other issues.  Now if Meg could get to the retainer stage, that would be awesome.  

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