Monday, December 7, 2020

Just Not There Yet

 It was exciting to watch the news of a vaccine roll out in the United Kingdom today, especially since it was announced that it should be approved in the United States later this week.  I was glad to hear that at least one of the immunizations would be coming soon, but since doses would be limited and only those in healthcare or living in long term care facilities would be receiving them, it didn't really change much for us in the Heinisch home.  We still planned to mask up and social distance.  It would be great however, if the vaccine quickly helped reduce the hospital load especially in hard hit communities like the ones around us.  None of us really expect to receive it until March or April.  Brett and Meg had been emailed information through Bell Trace that they may be on a faster track than the rest of us to get the vaccine, but they won't know for at least another month.

For the past month I have only focused on news of the vaccine as it seemed to be the only way to rid our nation of COVID 19 especially now that millions of Americans had now become infected.  Even though it will still take time to become immunized, thinking about that has been a lot more positive than reading news of record setting positive counts and an overrun health care system.  For the most part avoiding the neagtive press has worked well for me, but there have been some days that I just can't get away from the pandemic.  Today was one of those.  First, I called to set up Cam's driving time with his instructor and found out that he had been diagnosed with the coronavirus.  He said that it had been a long, tough week, but he was starting to feel better.  I felt horrible for him and also relieved that I had decided to wait until after the holidays to start the driving lessons.  I had been extremely concerned that it was a high risk activity.  I guess that it was.  Then later in the evening I got word that Doug's college roommate was battling an intense case of the dreaded virus.  By the time I went to bed I was overwhelmed thinking about it all.  Meg must have sensed that as she texted me while I was sleeping, "Mom, I'm so glad that we wear masks around you and Dad."  It was a nice reminder that our soul healthcare goal for 2021 was for our family to make it to the other side of this pandemic.  Glad that our children feel the same way.

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