Wednesday, July 8, 2020

School Reopening?

Tonight Doug went to the reopening meeting for Bethany.  They had sent out a detailed plan by email which was impressive to me.  Doug said that he felt that they were taking the safety of all students and staff seriously.  The most important information that he received was that all individuals entering the buildings would be wearing masks, the building would be cleaned thoroughly and social distancing would be required.  Doug was able to ask about driver's education and found out that Bethany would not be offering the course this year.  That will put a small wrench in our plans for Cameron, but we have time to figure that out.  Several individuals asked how band, choir and singing in chapel would work as those were deemed high risk activities by the CDC.  Bethany had not 100% decided on how those activities would look this year, but ensured everyone that everyone would be  distanced well apart and all would be wearing masks even in band.  The hope was that the majority of classes would that they could be held outside as much as possible.  Lunch would be staggered to allow for more room in the cafeteria.  With small class sizes in general at Bethany social distancing during the majority of the day would be easy to maintain.

It will be a little stressful sending Cam back to school.  We have worked very hard these past four months to social distance and reduce our exposure to the Coronavirus.  This will be a big step for our family in returning to the outside world.  Both Doug and I feel that Bethany has done its best to lay out a plan that will hopefully allow students to return to school safely.

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