Monday, July 13, 2020

A Break From the Heat

The heat these past few weeks has been oppressive to say the least.  Neither Doug nor I enjoy having the air conditioner on and before the ninety degree temperatures last week we were able to keep the house cool with window fans, turning off unneccesary lights and closing the curtains to block out the sun.  Over the last few days we did finally have to run the air during the day for a few hours when the temperature in our house reached 85 degrees.  We set the thermostat at 76 and by the time it got to 77 in our home, Meg came down with a sweatshirt on to let us know that it was "freezing" in the house.  She and Cam had definitely gotten used to living without air conditioning.  Even just using it to cool off the main level and their bedrooms was too much for them.  Whether the air was on or off never affected Cal as the basement remained the same temperature no matter the weather outside.  In fact we closed all of his vents to push the air upstairs since he didn't need it.  Thankfully, the forecast has called for a break from the heat starting today.  We were all thrilled to see that as we could once again enjoy the fresh air in our house day and night.

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