Thursday, July 2, 2020

My Friend Mary

Mary texted me this morning to say that she'd be at the high school from 1 to 3 while Evan was participating in driver's education.  She was hoping to walk over and pay me a social distance visit.  I was super excited when I read her message.  It had been quite awhile since I had talked to her in person and it was the perfect day for it as Cam was golfing, Cal was working and Meg was in Bloomington.

My visit with Mary today was a little atypical.  She had a couple of issues that were troubling her and we spent some time talking about them.  I have found in our past conversations that it has usually been me with a question or concern to run by her.  I had hoped by the end of our talk that I had given her some encouragement on the topics at hand.  I thoroughly enjoyed seeing her and was a little bummed that the time had flown by so quickly.

Tonight I thought a lot about our conversation.  Mary has always been one of the nicest people that I have ever known.  She has a way of lifting one's spirits and finding a kind word in every situation.  She was a great help to me when I was teaching.  She's loyal, hard working, an excellent problem solver and a wonderful friend to have. Thus, I was completely dumbfounded when I found out that someone had treated her and her family poorly.  In fact, it broke my heart.  As I relayed the story to Doug, I kept saying, who would be mean to Mary?  I still don't understand that, but knew that my Mom's phrase "Everything happens for a reason," was more than appropriate in this situation.  I was glad that Mary had the same thought and was already finding the positives in their current dilema.  I wouldn't have expected anything different.

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