Tuesday, April 14, 2020


One item that has helped make our self quarantine a lot easier for everyone has been the Wii U.  It's familiar to all of us as we have had a Wii in our house since they first came on to the market in 2006.  In fact we have played this gaming system so much over the years that we have had to replace at least three consoles, various cords, multiple remotes and a few charging cables as well.  Both sets of grandparents to the Heinisch children even bought a system of their own to use with their grandchildren and enjoyed it just as much as we have.

Therefore, I wasn't surprised when one item on Meg's to-do list when she first came home for her extended Spring Break was to enlist Cam's help in conquering a Super Mario game that they had tried to beat years ago.  Once they accomplished their mission, Doug and I then joined them for rounds of Swap Meet and Mario Kart.  Not only have these games given us a way to pass time, but have also provided positive family bonding time during the stay at home order.  Hearing about all of the fun that we had been having, Brett even decided to get out his old Wii and use it once his Lenten promise was over.  In fact he chose three Wii games that were Meg and Cam's for his Easter gift this year.  His siblings were more than happy to donate them to him and I found a new contactless way to ship them to Bloomington.

I know that a lot of other families prefer different gaming systems.  We do own several of those and both Brett and Cam use the PS4 quite a bit, but overall the Heinisch family favortie has always been the Wii.  I am extremely thankful for it whenever we sit down to family activity night.  I may be the worst Mario Kart racer ever, but that doesn't mean that I don't have fun every time I pick Funky Kong to lead the way (that is until I fall off a cliff or run into a wall.)

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