Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Some Days are Easier than Others

The stay at home order in Indiana has changed our life quite a bit these past seven weeks.  We decided from the beginning to take it seriously and limit our interactions with others.  Thus, for the most part only Doug has been out and about in public.  It has worked well for us and has made social distancing a lot easier for our family.  For the most part, Meg, Cam and I have handled staying at home pretty well.  We've kept ourselves busy and have had very few days of feeling overwhelmed by our self imposed isolation.

Today, however, wasn't the easiest one for me.  I started feeling anxious at lunchtime and couldn't calm down.  I was an absolute wreck when Doug called and it took me quite awhile to figure out what was really bothering me.  I realized that all of the news reports about ending the stay at home order were becoming overwhelming.  I did my best to stay away from them, but headlines seemed to be everywhere I looked.  Georgia had decided to lift its stay at home order this week which set out hundreds of articles discussing the safety of this approach.  The debate left me wondering how the end of the stay at home order will work, if it was the correct decision, or what would happen if COVID-19 returned.  The more I thought about it, the more I anxious I became.  I finally decided that I wouldn't be able to come up with an answer as no one really knew what would happen once life returned to "normal."  Since I couldn't control the hows, whats and whys of this return, I finally realized that I could control my own behavior.  Therefore, I actually didn't have to change a lot from our self imposed quarantine and could ease back into the real world at my own pace.  We could still go to the grocery store once a week, run errands first thing in the morning and avoid large gatherings.  We didn't need a state order to make that decision for us.  Somehow over the past two months I completely forgot that.

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