Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Was It Here Earlier?

There was an article that originated by a West Virginia doctor in mid-March that stated that he felt that COVID-19 had actually reached the US well before it was documented in China.  He said that he had had several cases of a flu-like illness that were worse than the normal influenza A or B and that lasted longer.  We thought his article was interesting as several members of the Heinisch family were sick this winter with flu-like symptoms and took longer than normal to recover from the illness.  Cam bout was before Christmas during finals week.  He was miserable.  Doug had the same symptoms which started just after the holidays and Cal missed almost a week of classes with
"the flu" when we got back from Disney World in January.  Meg and several of her friends also felt ill during that same period.

In January everyone joked that maybe it was the Cornonavirus.  We didn't know much about the virus or how widespread that it would becom.  Now we acutally wonder if it was more than just the seasonal flu.  A new report came out this week that dates the first death from COVID-19 in the US as February 6th.  That would mean that the virus was definitely here in January.  We would all be interested in having some of the Heinisch members tested once the new antibody test becomes available in our area.  Maybe it was just the flu, or a bad headcold, but maybe not.  Guess we'll have to wait and see.

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