Sunday, September 23, 2018

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity, Jig

We were up early and home before lunch today.  Doug had to work this afternoon.  Thankfully, he could do so from home.  He has being working more lately to finish several projects before his return trip to Toronto in November.  Next week he will have to travel, so we definitely see him less than we did before.  He has been able to rearrange his schedule to be at all of the Meg and Cam's soccer games that he can.

While he was working I did the laundry, picked up and took a walk.  Cam was able to get in eighteen homes with Grandma Jane.  He even met the new owner at Maxwelton.  Meg went to Liam's for the afternoon.  Meg had to walk today for soccer which they were able to accomplish along the Pumpkinvine Trail.  Doug was able to finish his work and mow the yard in time for us to go to dinner and have a bonfire.  We were both exhausted, but pleased with how well the weekend went.

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