Friday, November 21, 2014

Home, Sweet, Home

We left this morning after getting Cal, Meg and Cam off to school.  Cal was on crutches, Meg had honor roll breakfast and Cam forgot his homework.  We were able to get everyone where they needed to be and were on our way to Bloomington by 8:20 a.m.  Brett had not been home since August and we had not seen him since the first weekend of October.  Thus, we were all excited to see him and he was glad for the break.

We arrived at Oliver Winery close to 11:30 a.m.  Parce picked up Brett and they both met us there.  It was a little chilly, but we had a great lunch talking about Facebook, politics, IU and the Heinisch family's antics.  Parce headed to his apartment around 2 p.m. and we took Brett shopping at TIS, Target and Barnes and Noble.  Brett was able to find several Christmas gifts for his siblings, exercise clothes for himself and a book that he had been wanting.  We were also able to buy a new winter coat for Cameron.

Brett still had one afternoon class to attend, so we went to the Irish Lion with Parce.  It was great to spend that much time with him this afternoon as well.  Brett was ready at 5:30, so we picked him and his laundry up and got four orders of breadsticks to take home.  The trip back was absolutely crowded and we lost about a half hour of time driving through Indy.  Once we got north of the city, however, everything cleared out and we had a nice trip from there home.  Meg was excited to see Brett, even though he told her we had car trouble in Wabash and weren't going to make it back.  I felt sick from the drive, but happy to have Brett home.  It should be a great week.

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