Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Living in a Pandemic vs. Life With a Toddler

 As the days and months have passed by since the beginning of the global pandemic we have developed a new normal here in the Heinisch home. Our daily routines have changed drastically since last February when we could come and go as we pleased.  For the most part I pretty much stay at home except for my daily walks, running Cameron to school, and a biweekly trip to the grocery store.  Currently, I never leave home without a mask, hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial wipes and a purpose. I don' mind that at all, but it does remind me a lot of what life was like when there were toddlers in our home.  I stayed  then home a lot then as well, made sure that we got outside everyday, and always had to pack a bag before we left the house.  Church, eating out, haircut appointments, the dentist, vacations and hanging out with friends were rare treats back then.  Now they have become almost non-existent.  As I watched a young mother in Menards this morning, I realized that the Heinisch home had almost forgotten what it was like to have a toddler in the family.  Who would have ever thought that our parenting days would have prepared us for life in a pandemic.

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