Sunday, October 4, 2020

Bring on the Scary Movies

 In my opinion this is the best time of the year to watch scary movies.  It's not just that October is the month for Halloween, but something about the cooler weather, the change in leaves and the earlier sunsets just make it perfect for a few horror movie flicks.  This weekend Doug, Cam and I were able to watch The Shinning.  We had all seen if a few times, but it was a good one to kick start a month of scary movie viewings.  The Exorcist was scheduled right after it, but we passed on that one.  Doug and I had both seen it once and that was plenty.  We told Cam that he could watch it if he wanted, but it was definitely the scariest movie that we had ever watched.  He decided to pass on it as well.  

Last night the three of us picked the movie "Get Out."  It was as good as Doug and I remembered.  Cam summed it up best when he said, "I am not sure that I would classify this as a horror movie, but the characters in it are so bizarre and creepy that they make it scary."  Afterward Doug gave me a list of upcoming "Halloween" movies on TNT that I plan to tape for us to watch in the near future including one of my all-time favorites, "Creature From the Black Lagoon."  I can't wait for all of the jump scares.  I've decided that the best way to forget all about the pandemic is to watch other people be frightened by the "boogeyman."

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