Friday, October 2, 2020

"Hey Mom, What Happens if President Trump Gets COVID?"

Yesterday after work Cal was filling me in on his day and his thoughts on a lot of different topics ranging from the NFL to the NBA to the presidential debate.  He showed me a couple of memes that we both thought were funny, although none topped the one that Cameron sent out.  

At the end of our conversation Cal casually said to me, "Hey Mom, what happens if President Trump gets COVID?"  We both speculated what would occur in a situation like that but neither of us even dreamed that it would be a possibility.  Thus, when the news hit last night at 1:30 a.m. that President Trump had tweeted that both he and his wife, Melania, had tested positive, Cal and I bth thought that it was a hoax at first.  

As time marched on today we realized that what we had speculated about just a day before had actually come to fruition.  Cal called me at lunch to see if I had heard any more of the news, but nothing had really come out at that point.  As he drove to Bloomington later that evening I could call and give him a more significant update.  The president had been flown by helicopter to Walter Reed Hospital and had received an antibody treatment that had just finished it's phase three trials.  There were also reports of other key Republican politicians that had tested positive as well as the president of Notre Dame .  All had attended the nomination of the new supreme court justice together this past weekend.  

I spent the evening  almost overwhelmed by the news of Trump's positive test.  The media focused on how his campaign would survive the next few weeks.  I focused more on the health aspect of it all.  I did not  wish that Trump would take a turn for the worst, but what if he did.  What if one of the other Republicans died?  What if Mike Pence tested positive?   As these questions floated around in my head, I wondered most of all if this would finally change the thought process of the anti-maskers.  Would they finally realize that there was a way to stop the virus and that it was a relatively easy one?  Would all of those in our area showing up at tennis matches, church gatherings and local government meetings without a mask change their opinions?  Doug told me not to get my hopes up.  I knew that he was probably right, but I still wished an increase in mask wearers in our area would be the one positive out of this entire situation.

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