Saturday, April 28, 2018

PROM 2018

Today was a long one for the Heinisch family in Syracuse.  It started for Doug at 4:30 a.m. when he got up for an inventory.  I was up next to pick up Cam at his lock-in.  It was as much fun as he had expected with only the talent show being deleted from his list of activities due to an insufficient number of participants.  He was actually relieved when he heard that.  Cam stopped at home for a short period of time to eat and shower before going to part 2 of The Theology of the Body class for religious education.  I felt bad dropping him off as he only had four hours of sleep, but the class was required and it would allow him to miss Meg getting ready for PROM and cleaning the pigs.

I headed back to Bethany after I dropped Cam off.  Meg had a match against Goshen.  Doug finished his inventory early, so he was able to join me.  It was a cold, windy morning, but Meg played extremely well.  She finished her opponent off well before 11:30 a.m.  KP came to watch her and Mariah play which Meg really appreciated.  We did too as she was an enthusiastic spectator.  Meg's tennis coach let her leave early to get ready for Prom, which made our afternoon a lot easier.

Lunch went well as did painting Meg's toenails.  We got ready to do her hair and I panicked.  Meg has a lot of hair and I had a hard time curling it.  We talked about a lot of different options, but Meg felt most comfortable running out to Izzy's to have the girls try curling it.  She was happy with the results and was back by the time Jess arrived at 3 p.m. to do her make-up.  Jess did a fantastic job with her.  She let Meg pick the colors and the amount of color she wanted.  Once she got done, Jess offered to curl her hair again.  She added in some twists and bobby pins as well and once Meg put on her Prom dress we all thought that she looked beautiful.  We were thankful to Jess and she said that she was glad to do it.

Meg had enough time to get on her jewelry and shoes before Liam and his family arrived.  He brought her a beautiful corsage that matcher her dress perfectly.  Meg learned how to put on a boutonniere and we were all then ready for pictures.  We took several at the fireplace, outside on the deck and in the lot.  The pictures looked great.  Liam's parents left after that and we followed Meg and Liam to Izzy's for group pictures.  There were four girls and three guys from the junior class at Izzy's to take pictures.  The girls looked wonderful.  I had a lot of fun taking the photos.  It was great to see Meg interact with everyone.  She has met a fantastic group of friends this year and it was one more time that I was so very thankful that she transferred to Bethany.

Doug and I left the group around 6 p.m.  They were all ready to be done with pictures and anxious for their limo to arrive.  We dropped Liam's car off for him at Bethany.  He and Meg would pick it up after Prom.  Doug made reservations at Kelly Jae's for the two of us.  I was finally able to relax.  I was so nervous about everything going well today that I was extremely anxious.  Dinner was delicious as always and as an added bonus we got to see HM get out of her limo with her friends as they had reservations at Kelly Jae's as well.  Thankfully, we couldn't embarrass her as we were in the bar seating area.  She did look very beautiful as well.

When we got home Cam was playing Fortnite.  Dad had picked him up from his church class.  He said that it went well, just long.  He fell asleep at our house for an hour, but was feeling better after that.  Doug made cookies for us which we enjoyed before heading to bed early.  It had been a long day, but a wonderful one as well.

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