Monday, January 15, 2018

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Our school did not have Martin Luther King Jr., Day off today.  It was one of the few as the majority in our area were not in session including Bethany.  If it was up to me I would have given the students the day off.  I realize that most would not use the time to honor Dr. King, but all would realize that he was an extremely important part history to have a day named in his memory.

Since Meg and Cam were off and I wasn't, I had first thought of taking the day off to be home with them.  As Meg had practice and Cam wanted to play games with my parents, I decided that I would teach and do my best to bring Dr. King into our classroom.  We had done some background research on the Civil Rights movement and Martin Luther King, Jr. last week in preparation for today.  On this day we focused on his quotes and what he stood for and against during Success time.  We talked about pacifism and our dreams for the world today.  My math classes had to do Martin Luther King, Jr. math research.  They had to find the answer to such questions as:  Dr. King married Coretta Scott.  What is the sum of the year they got married to the number of children they had, divided by the number of brothers and sisters Dr. King had?  In all they answered ten math questions that also gave them knowledge about the civil rights minister.  While they working on their assignment I played the entirety of his speech from the March on Washington.  I don't know how much they will take out of our lesson today.  I do hope it was enough for them to remember that "It is always the right time to do what is right."

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