Wednesday, September 29, 2021

COVID Boosters

At the end of August, President Joe Biden, announced that all Americans that were fully vaccinated would be able to receive a booster shot this fall.  As the Delta variant had been spreading widely throughout the south and starting to in the midwest, I was more than interested in receiving a booster dose.  Within a week, however, the news changed.  The FDA panel recommended boosters only for those over 65 or those with weakened immune systems between 50 and 64.  It also only authorized the shot for those who had received Pfizer for the first two.  The CDC followed suit shortly there after agreeing with the FDA.  The data they released showed that only 6% of all COVID deaths were among the vaccinated and the vast majority of those were over eighty years old.  

The CDC's announcement provided good news on two accounts.  First, it made President Biden look completely uninformed which both Brett and I enjoyed.  Second, my parents would be eligible for the vaccine booster at the end of September as they were over 65 and had Pfizer for their first two shots with the last one being six months ago.  Yesterday, I took a break from decluttering to help set up their appointments with the Indiana Health Department.  My mom was pleased that we could schedule them for this Friday and also that they would only have to drive to Ligonier to get them.  It will still be a couple of weeks before their third dose takes full affect, but once it does, it should keep them healthy throughout the winter months.

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