Saturday, August 1, 2020

VIP Week

When Cal came home for the summer he decided to work at Tippy Country Club as a bag boy.  He had done this several other summers and thought it'd be a fun way to earn some extra money.  He also thought the schedule would allow him time to still study for the CPA.  Doug and I were glad that he made that decision.  Sitting around waiting to start his job in January with only the drudgery of studying would have ben a horrible way for Cal to spend his summer.  Overall it has been a great experience for him.  He's met a lot of new people and has done well in tips.  He worked one Friday pretty much by himself as it was the day of Warsaw High School's graduation.  He made $300 that day alone.

This weekend was Tippy's VIP member event and Cal was excited to be a part of it.  He would have plenty of opportunities to socialize and make some good money at the same time.  Since we've rearranged our living space so that he can now come and go while still social distancing from the rest of us, life has gotten a lot easier for everyone in the Heinisch home.  Tippy has also started requiring the bag boys to wear masks which was a relief to me.  Cal was supposed to start working for Plante Moran this week, but the pandemic changed that for him.  Proud of him for making the best of it.

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