Friday, August 14, 2020

Thankful for Masks and Social Distancing

 My mom called this morning to tell us that the woman that she had been playing golf with this summer had tested positive for COVID-19.  None of us in the Heinisch home were surprised at all.  She was an avid anti-masker and even stated several times that they would have to handcuff her and cart her away in a squad car before she would wear a mask inside the clubhouse at Maxwelton.  Although my mom had not been within six feet of her for fifteen minutes or more, she and my dad still thought that it would be best if they took a COVID test.  The nurse at Dr. Freeze's office had highly recommended it.  Mom's insurance told her that they would also pay for a rapid test if she wanted to try that as well.  She decided to take them up on their offer.  Although the results weren't as reliable as the state test, she was still relieved to see that it was negative.  Even with that result, the lab tech at Medstat told my mom to quarantine until the first test came back in three to five days.

Shortly after my mom's news, we foud out that Bethany would have to move to online learning starting on Monday.  Two students had tested positive for COVID-19 today and the Elkhart Health Department would be contacting any other students who had been in close contact with them, so that they also could quarantine.  Cam was bummed that they wouldn't be returning to school on Monday but was glad to find out that he had not been in close contact with either of the students and that the tennis team would still be able to practice.  

I was pretty shaken the rest of the day.  It had only recently dawned on me that we could be greatly affected by someone testing positive with COVID, even if we were free of the illness.  Today was the perfect example of that.  Those arguing about their civil liberties being taken away if they were required to wear a mask were actually imposing their views on the rest of us.  By chosing not to wear a mask or social distance, they were greatly increasing their risk of getting the virus and in turn spreading it to others.  Had Cam been exposed, his entire tennis season could have been taken away from him.  Thankfully, that was not the case today.  We have been diligent these past five months about following the six foot rule,   wearing a mask and using hand sanitizer at all times, even when visiting my parents outdoors.  Because so many others have decided to ignore the pandemic, however, we will have to be even more cautious about the company that we keep.

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