Monday, May 4, 2020

To Mask or Not to Mask . . .

I have stayed away from social media during the pandemic.  The amount of misinformation, finger pointing and ugliness that has been posted has done nothing to ease my anxiety during this crisis.  I made an exception yesterday, however, as the posts became funnier and funnier.  It all started with the St. Joseph county council passing an ordinance that everyone in the county would have to wear a mask in public.  They felt that this was a safe solution to following Governor Holcomb's guidelines to opening the state of Indiana.  Not everyone agreed and the decision started a war between those who felt that this violated their rights as an individual and those who believed that public health dictated the necessity of facial coverings.

 As the day wore on some of the posts got ugly with a lot of name calling and blaming, but none of them made me unnerved.  I realized that everyone was just frustrated with the current situation due to the health crisis.  In the end I actually found it funny that so many people were posting about something that they could not control.  There were those who felt that the entire pandemic was a political scam and those who were sure that every one of us would die at the hands of Coronavirus.  Being forced to wear masks just seemed to be the last straw for the social media crowd.

I honestly don't know if wearing a mask will help and I definitely don't feel that calling someone a name on FaceBook will solve our current situation.  I do realize that the economy has been hit hard by the stay at home orders and a compromise needs to be found for all.  If that means wearing a mask, then that's what the Heinisch family will do.  For those who won't follow the order as it infringes upon their "freedom", I would love to tell them that freedom is not an absolute.  There are rules that must be followed or consequences will occur.  Passing a law requiring the publice to wear a mask is no different than having a speed limit or no smoking ordinaces.  I realize that posting this on social media will not change anyone's minds, so I'll just quietly keep my opinion to myself.  As I reminded Meg and Cam today:

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