Friday, May 15, 2020

Nature Trail

Cameron was required to take a walk on a nature trail and write a report about his findings for environmental science before Sunday night.  His teacher suggested a trail on the east side of Lake Wawasee.  I talked Cameron into trying the newest path through the wetlands near the Wawasee Area Conservancy Foundation, however as it looked a lot nicer than the one near the old fish hatchery.  It not only would take us through the woods on the conservation's property, but also provide a trail over the wetlands.

The path was incredibly nice.  Meg remarked several times that she couldn't believe that something like this was in Syracuse.  We saw a lot of different water plants and flowers.  Cam also noticed the vast amount of redwing black birds hanging on the reeds in the wetlands.  We ran into Hannah-Marie, Winston and Robyn while walking.  HM was glad to help Cam find more animals and he was able to take a great picture of a bullfrog before we left.

While walking we also met up with Paula and Mary.  They were trying the path for the first time as well.  It was so nice to see everyone and Meg and I enjoyed talking to both of them.  Paula told us that Gabrielle might transfer to IU next fall.  Meg was thrilled to hear that.  Overall, we were all glad to have found this new path.  It was a great addition to our town and a nice way to break up the doldrums of walking the same path day after day.

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