Wednesday, May 20, 2020

A Very Merry UnBirthday to Cal!

Today was not the birthday celebration that we had planned for Cal.  Another holiday fell victim to the Coronavirus pandemic as Cal stayed quarantined at Hannah-Marie's apartment in Bloomington waiting to get the results back from his COVID-19 test that he took on Monday.  The results were guaranteed in 48-72 hours, but unfortunately for him he did not get them in the shortest time frame.  Thus, his birthday was spent studying for the CPA, eating Jack's pizza and receiving a lot of birthday texts.  We did come up with a plan to get him home tomorrow night while still social distancing in case the results were delayed.  Thus, it should be his last night in Bloomington for a little while.

It didn't surprise me that this pancdemic occurred during some of the biggest events of Cal's life cancelling so many of his plans.  He was the Heinisch child growing up that had faced the biggest disappointments - severe asthma with multiple trips to Riley, a rare strep throat reaction leading to kidney disease, a broken hip, a broken ankle sidelining his basketball career just to name a few.  Those situations prepared him for the downside of life earlier than most.  Therefore when COVID-19 started to alter so much of his plans this spring, I knew that he would be able to handle it without a problem.  His laid back attitude, ability to adapt and bigger than life personality has served him well these past two months.  Proud of him for his perserverance and positive attitude.  Cal told Cam that one positive that came out of all of this was that he had really developed a cannon for an arm since the stay at home order started.  Looking forward to seeing him throwing that football in our backyard tomorrow night.

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