Monday, May 18, 2020

And Now We Wait

Cal called last week and asked if he could come back for Memorial Day weekend.  He said that everyone was leaving Bloomington and he was ready to be home.  At first he was worried that we wouldn't let him hang out with Hannah-Marie once he arrived, but that wasn't really a problem for us.  HM hadn't been living with as many people as Cal and hadn't been attending huge social gatherings these past two weeks.

The first question we asked him was if he had been social distancing.  He admited that he had not.  We then wanted to know if he was coming home for a few days or for a longer period of time.  If it was only a few days, then we could find him an AirBNB to stay in and visit with him outside as we had two weeks ago.  Once he decided that he really just wanted to come home for awhile we spent some time carefully considering the options.  In the end Doug and I told Cal that he could live at home if he spent two weeks completely social distancing first or took the COVID-19 test, stayed at HM's apartment in Bloomington and waited for the results.  Indiana had just opened up free testing for anyone, so it wouldn't be hard for him to get a test.

Cal decided to try the second option and took the test this morning in Bedford.  It was an unpleasant nasal swab experience, but overall he felt that it was a safe way to get tested.  He should find out the results in 48  to 72 hours.  We realized that others may not have taken such a stance with their college child returning home, but Doug, Meg, Cam and I had spent the last two months in almost complete isolation.  We knew that the chance of Cal being positve wasn't extremely high, but we thought we'd all rather be safe about his return.  We were glad that Cal agreed with us.

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