Monday, August 11, 2014

Teacher Day

Today was the first day back for teachers.  As Mary Brower said it best, "I think I am walking around in a fog of disbelief."  I could definitely relate.  I am not a big fan of teacher day as it is a lot of meetings.  We were done by 11:30 a.m., however, so I had a lot of time in the afternoon to work on my classroom.  I was very glad that Meg and I worked so hard last Thursday.  It made today much easier.  

At 3:15 p.m. student started arriving for open house.  I walked with Cameron and my parents to his new classroom.  He has dual teachers now - one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  Braxton is in his class, so he is pretty happy.  After we set him up, I went with Meg to have her school picture taken.  Meg had so much fun tonight catching up with all of her friends.  I know it will be a great year for both of them.

At 6:30 we had the parent night for fall sports.  I would have preferred it on a different night, but I was able to be there for tennis.  Cal was the only player that did not attend the meeting, but I didn't see a reason for him to be there.  He was ready to get in a round of golf before dark.  I fell into bed tonight more excited for tomorrow than I thought I would be at the start of the day.

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