Tuesday, August 12, 2014

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school for students.  Cam and Meg were up early and ready to go.  Most students seemed alright with being back.  We had some computer glitches in the corporation, but overall the first day ran smoothly at Milford.  I have four classes of FACS, then lunch and prep, followed by a pre-algebra class.  I have come to realize that it will take some work to get the curriculum ready for pre-algebra, but I don't believe I will be there much longer than I was staying last year as most days I did not leave before 1:30.

My classes were pretty well behaved for the most part, a little chatty as they were all excited to see their friends.  In my class I always have a written assignment of "Every Summer has a Story."  Most seemed to have a nice break with a lot trying out the newest rides at Cedar Point.  My eighth grade class is very large - 25 - but I know almost all of them, so it shouldn't be too hard to have that many.  We definitely won't all cook at the same time.

Cameron had a good day.  He couldn't believe that he had homework already.  Meg loved her first day, although, she said that she forgot about all of the students that she wasn't ready to see again.  Cal's day was interesting.  None of the schedules had been printed for the high schoolers, so the computer glitch became a serious problem for the guidance department.  The decision was made to keep all of the students in their Warrior Time classes for the day.  That was very long and very boring for a lot of the students.  I heard a lot of complaints from parents tonight.  I hope they follow up with someone who can make a difference.  It seemed like a waste of an education day to Doug and I.  Hopefully, tomorrow runs a little smoother for them.

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