Monday, August 25, 2014


I tried to remain calm all day today, but the hours just kept slipping by and there seemed like more and more to do.  I am nowhere near caught up from all of the happenings of the last two week.  I thought I was on top of everything, but as I paid bills and wrote thank yous, I realized that I was not even close.  It would be great to have another day or two off to catch up on everything.  So much of our life has been on hold this month.

Life doesn't wait however and from the email I received today about my math class, I realize that I had better be in bright and early tomorrow morning.  I appreciate everyone who said a kind word to us or helped in anyway (one of Doug's soccer mom's even bought Cam's drawing pencils for him when I couldn't find them last week.)  Soccer, tennis, library board, county council, laundry and homework are all calling and we will just have to come up with a way to get back to "normal."

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