Friday, January 8, 2021

Financial Independence.

 Cal and Brett both signed up for their company's 401K program today.  Each gets up to a 3% match which Doug thought was great.  I was excited for both of them as they had worked hard this year to save money while also enjoying life. It was definitely a big step for each in their bid for financial independence.  Brett realized it as well and texted me earlier in the week to thank me for helping him set up a budget.  It had benefitted him tremendously in 2020 and with it he was able to set a goal of paying off his CRV in two years instead of five.  Cal didn't need as much advice as he had always been a saver.  He had used his excess cash for investments even when he was only working part time.  I was glad to have helped Brett over the years with budgeting and was pleased that we could give Cal a place to live currently so that he could save money for the future.

Hearing their excitement about retirement planning made me think back to our first few years after graduating from college.  Doug lived at home and had to pay rent.  He was given his car insurance bill immediately upon returning home.  Although neither of us had any debt it was challenging to save for a wedding, our first home and starting a family with outside expenditures accumulating.  It would have been nice to have a year or so of very little expenses to be able to save for the future.  In the end we made it work, but because of our experience, we made a goal of helping the Heinisch children become financially independent the first year after graduating from college whether through budgeting or paying for added expenses that we were able to absorb.  This year they will both take on their car insurance payments and phone bills, but they were prepared for these expenditures.  We plan to help Cam and Meg in the same manner.  We may not have a huge inheritance to give them one day, but they shouldn't need it as they have been given a wonderful start to life outside of the Heinisch home.

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