Sunday, August 23, 2015

Day of Rest

Sunday never quite works out as the day of rest for the Heinisch family.  It has become the day to get everything done before we start a new work and school week.  Today was no exception, but we were able to get a lot done around the house.  Doug did have time to play tennis with Meg before the cleaning/mowing frenzy started.  Cal went jogging and played basketball with his friends during the afternoon.  He worked his last day at Sleepy Owl this evening before "retiring" until winter.  He brought home a celebratory pizza for dinner.

When Cal left for work we all went shopping.  Doug and Meg went to Kohl's while Cam and I shopped at Target.  Doug did not find anything, but Meg bought two beautiful necklaces.  Cam replaced his broken Nerf gun and I bought several items we needed for around the home.  To celebrate the end of a great weekend we ate dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings.  We like the one in Goshen better than Warsaw and for the first time in a long time we didn't have to wait for a table.  None of us are really excited about Monday, but ready for it nonetheless.  

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