Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A New Year - A New Library

When I think of how many changes have happened at the library during the past six months it seems almost overwhelming.  Our director unexpectedly retired, one board member moved, two board members had strokes, we started a large redecorating project and our bookkeeper quit this week and refused to help in any manner.  After last nigh'ts board meeting, however, I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  We have a new, enthusiastic director starting January 5th, I will be the new treasurer and more involved in our bookkeeping, we have a full board, and the builders agreed to fix the children's department circulation desk and come up with plans for a new one upstairs.

It has definitely been a lot of work on mine and Gisela's part, and I am learning that there was some animosity toward the board from the former director that I did not know about.  We have, however, weathered the storm and seem to be heading for calmer waters.  I know we still have a lot to do, but we will get there.

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