Monday, December 19, 2016

Snow Day

Today was technically a snow day, but it was really called for extreme cold weather.  The actual temperature set a record low and the window chill doubled it.  Cameron already had the day off as his Christmas break started on Friday.  I had taken the day off to get Meg to a doctor's appointment, so it didn't make much of a difference to me.  Meg appreciated getting to sleep in, but she actually only wanted a two hour delay.  She had a vocab test in English and a quiz in Chemistry that she just wanted to get over with.  In the end, however, she was glad for an extra day to rest.

Cal spent his afternoon lifting, eating lunch at Grandma's and playing basketball with his friends.  Meg, Cam, Brett and I went for a late breakfast/early lunch at Maria's.  I was afraid it would be closed, because of the weather, but it was actually packed.  The food was good and we enjoyed hanging out together.  On the way home we stopped at CVS for a few items.

Meg's doctor's appointment was at 3.  We ended up being there close to an hour and a half, but we got a lot resolved.  Dr. Clouse increased Meg' iron tablet to 65 mg.  She also took a look in the ears that have still been bothering her.  She said they were plugged, so the nurse did a treatment on them.  Each one had a part of an ear plug stuck in them.  The water washed them out without damage and instantly Meg could hear better.  We had taken her in before for the same problem, but they were sure that it was an ear infection.  Glad to have that problem resolved.  She also treated Meg's Planter's Warts on her foot.  They have increased over the past year and it was time to take action.  She put medicine on them to freeze them off.  By the end of the evening Meg's foot was in a lot of pain, but hopefully this will work.

Doug had to work at home tonight, but he was still able to join us for dinner.  Brett, Cam and I played a game of Pay Day while he was working.  We all then watched the Judy Garland movie - "In the Good Ole Summertime."  It was based on A Shop Around the Corner.  It wasn't quite as good, but worth a try.  It will be hard going back to school tomorrow, but at least there are only two days left.

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