Monday, September 4, 2017

Labor Day Blues

Doug wanted to be on the road by 10 a.m. and we were up and out the door by then.  He had to mow the yard and get some work done in the afternoon.  Brett and Cal had plans to work on homework, so they were alright with us leaving early.  Meg got a lot of homework done on Saturday and Sunday, but still had quite a bit to do once we got home.  Cam was able to take it easy and play some golf with Grandpa Cutes.  He had played with Doug yesterday at Cascades as well and was glad for the chance to go out again.  It had been a fantastic weekend together as a family and it was hard coming home knowing that all that was left of the holiday was laundry.  Happy for the time together, however, no matter how sad the thought of it being over was.

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