Wednesday, October 7, 2015

That's Fantastic!

Yesterday Cam was struggling with how to deal with classmates that continually talk and are loud.  I told him that instead of being annoyed with them, he should be super positive boy.  That way when someone walked up to him and said, "My coyote can eat your cobra."  He could come right back with "That's Fantastic!"  or "I can't believe that!"  or "That is awesome.  I am so glad that I know that!"

Thus, we spent the rest of the evening trying out our new found philosophy on everything we did.  "Dad, that's the best bonfire I have ever seen."  "Meg, I love all of your stories."  On and on we went until Meg finally said, "Stop, that is annoying!"

I asked Cam if he tried it out on anyone today and he said he did.  I asked him how his classmates reacted and he said that they just kept right on talking.  I then asked him if it made him laugh to himself instead of being annoyed.  That's when he understood the philosophy and how to turn a negative into a positive. . . and I think "That's Fantastic!"

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