Thursday, April 24, 2014

Volunteer Reception

A year ago my FACS classes were asked to prepare the food for this year's Volunteer Reception at our school.  At the time I didn't think much of it and agreed wholeheartedly.  Last night I lay in bed and wondered to myself what I was thinking when I made this commitment.  I was positive that I made a mistake.  I really didn't believe that we could pull it off. 

My students totally surprised me, however, and accepted the challenge with great enthusiasm.  My first block seventh graders started in on the fruit and vegetable trays and in no time were creating masterpieces.  Three of them decided that they wanted to stay for block two and help as well.  I was very impressed as they needed very little guidance from me.  They not only created the trays, they also made the fruit dip and cheese ball.  By the time third block started, there was not much for the sixth graders to do except put the cookies on trays and chips in bowls.  It was a great feeling to know that they were able to fulfill such a big request.  The reception went off without a hitch and all my worrying was for nothing.

I stayed for the reception and then made it to Cameron's scrimmage.  He participated in basketball camp all week and this was the accumulating activity.  Mr. Voirol asked Meg to help run the clock and ref part of the game.  It was great to see Cameron enjoy himself and fun to have Meg be part of it all.  Cam got off a couple of shots, just didn't get any to fall.  As soon as he finished we were off and ready for soccer practice.  It was a little chilly, but Cam and Meg enjoyed it.  Overall, it was a lot better day than the previous one.

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