Saturday, March 22, 2014

Happy 13th Birthday, Meg!!

Thirteen years ago today, God blessed us with a beautiful baby girl.  I never thought I would have a girl, but am so glad that we did.  Meg adds so much energy to our family.  She is constantly telling us of her adventures of the day.  She has developed some awesome friendships and tends to be the life of the party wherever she goes.  As much as her days revolve around her social life, I am ever impressed with her drive to succeed in school.

We spent the day much as Meg would have wanted, shopping at the mall and eating out.  She complained about having to go to her band contest this morning, but had a great time there as well.  Meg wanted only money and a rainbow loom.  Cal and Cam took care of the loom and the rest granted her other wish.  Brett bought Meg a book about the Catholic faith, and Uncle Phil supplied her with a set of pink tools.  All three of her brothers tried their hand at playing Happy Birthday on the piano with Brett earning the right to complete the song.

Meg has brought a lot of joy to our life.  She is a beautiful young woman with so much going for her.  She is ever confident and always empathetic.  Life in the Heinisch family would not be the same without her.

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