Thursday, September 17, 2020

Blast from the Past

Yesterday Cameron bought an online computer game that he had been playing with his friends.  He got ready to download it to his Mac Book when he realized that it could only be played on Windows.  He was disappointed but since it was only $5 and he could still use it on his iPhone, so he didn't think too much about it.  I was out walking when he called to tell me.  That gave me some time to think about it and when I got home I pulled out two old laptops out of the closet and went to work on trying to resurrect them.  It took a little while but in the end Cam and I were able to get one up and running.  He was happy to be able to play his game on the computer and I was impressed with our use of technology to make it happen.

While I was getting out the computers I ran across a box full of the Heinisch children's computer games from long ago.  I pulled out game after game, Mr. Potato Head, Candy Land, Putt-Putt Travels Through Time, Pajama Sam, Tonka,and  Zombinis just to name a few of the old favorites.  I called Brett and Meg right away and told them about my find.  They gave me a list of ones to try out to see if they still worked.  I showed Cal and Cam what I had found and they enjoyed looking through the old disks and talked about playing the games over a decade ago.  It was like walking down memory lane which ultimately led to everyone's favorite computer game memory - the time when Meg was four and drew a picture on the Mr. Potato Head computer game.  When she asked me to look at it I realized that she had written "Mr.  Potato Head Sucks!" underneath it.  I was so impressed with her spelling that I didn't even reprimand her for using the "s" word.  Overall, we were all pleased with today's find and I promised the Heinisch children that I would spend some time sorting through those that still worked and those that didn't.  We decided that Brett's would be the best place to store them in the future.  Who knows, maybe soon we will have a  Disney Villains' Revenge computer family game night.

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