Thursday, July 23, 2015

Quiet Day at Home

Today was a quiet one here.  Cal spent most of the afternoon at home and finally went to play golf with my Dad at 3:30.  I stayed home all day as well catching up on laundry, paying bills, working on library financial items, and working on our own finances.  Doug had 7 on 7 tonight, so it was 8:30 before he got home.  Once Cal was done golfing he played basketball with Jayce and then headed to Mom and Dad's.  Thus, I had a lot of time to myself and a lot of time to think.

What I pondered about most today was how different our life would be if we only had Brett and Cal.  We knew it was a possibility if we stayed in the suburbs of Chicago that we would only have two children.  Expenses were quite a bit higher there and we would have wanted to send our children to private school.  The other possibility that may have left us with only two children was the difficulties I had getting and staying pregnant.  Once we had Cal we knew it was a long shot to have more.

I don't really think about that much anymore.  We are all thrilled that we were able to have more.  I do realize after today, however, that our life would be a lot quieter with only Brett and Cal.  Neither Cal nor I talk much unless something important comes up.  I try not to bombard him with questions as he doesn't like that.  Cal's also at an age where he likes to be on the go a lot, so he isn't around as much as Cam and Meg.  With Brett gone and Cal ready for his senior year it would be a different household if the younger Heinisch children weren't here.  Glad that we do not have to adjust to an empty nest next year.  I love spending time with Doug, but it's nice to have the Heinisch children here as well, even the quiet ones!

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