Monday, March 30, 2015


Tonight's Library Board meeting was interesting.  Kim asked for the Board to hire me as treasurer as we have been doing a lot of work with the library financials and it would be easier to have me continue to help her than hire someone with little to no experience.  The state compliance manual spells out that the treasurer may be hired by the Board, so she thought it would be a great fit.

One of the Board members became extremely disagreeable when the idea was presented.  She stated that she was sure that this was illegal.  This was after she asked me to explain the four chapters of the finance section of the compliance manual in three easy steps.  I listened and showed her the manual regarding the section on the treasurer, but she wouldn't hear any of it.  Once it was suggested that the Board table the decision until next month's meeting I had had enough.  I calmly explained that I would resign if that was the case.  This only incited the Board member more, but another one than stepped in to say that the Board was getting a steal hiring me for relatively little compared to the hourly wage of an accounting staff member.  This turned the tide and in a few minutes they agreed to compensate me for eight hours of service from February and March and an hourly price for April.

Kim and Gisela were flabbergasted by the meeting and the hostility of the night.  I wasn't, however.  This is exactly what I thought would happen.  If I didn't have the library's best interest at heart or like Gisela and Kim I would have resigned long ago.  For now we should be able to move forward and our knowledge will just continue to grow.

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