Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Tonight, Meg, spent over an hour working on her math homework.  This isn't the first time and, unfortunately, it won't be the last.  It isn't because she doesn't understand the material, but because they aren't given time to do it in class.  Tonight's assignment was 25 problems, many of which had multiple steps, and all had to have work shown.  She is taking Pre-Algebra and will take Honors Algebra as a 7th grader.  It is a high school class.  I am starting to rethink that decision.  She is more than smart enough to tackle this challenge, but I hate to think what the commitment outside of class will be.

I know she is not the only student who resents homework.  One of my writing lab students this year penned a persuasion paper about eliminating homework in all classes.  When he handed it to me to proof read, he anxiously awaited my response.  He was surprised when I told him that I agree.  As a teacher I try to limit the amount of work I give.  I don't enjoy bringing work home after school, so I assume they do not as well.  Maybe I'm too easy on the students, but I think home should be for doing fun activities with your family or friends.  I also realize that a lot of students do not have anyone at home to help them.  Homework just seems like more of a punishment than anything else.  

I know my opinion falls on deaf ears.  I have complained about this since Brett was in first grade, eleven years ago.  So, I will do my best to support Meg along the way and try to find a way to grin and bear it.

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