Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Go Cubs Go!

It sure does not feel like November.  The weather today felt more like June - 74 and sunny.  I even wore capris to school.  Mom brought Meg to me after school so that she could visit with Mr. Larson.  She had a great time catching him up on her life and I know he enjoys keeping in touch with her.  I used the time to work in my classroom and then walked down to talk to them for a few minutes before we had to leave for piano.

Cam had chess after school, so once I dropped Meg off at Mrs. Meek’s I headed to Bethany to pick him up.  Piano went well and we set up a date for next week.  They want to bring Christmas music next week so they are ready for the holiday season.

We stopped at the store on the way home and then spent the rest of the night packing, folding laundry, putting away the Halloween and doing homework.  Doug had to take the investment banker to dinner so he did not get home until 8.  He made it in time to watch the Cubs play game six of the World Series.  They were down 3-1 and won the last game in Chicago to move the series back to Cleveland.  It has been an exciting World Series so far.  The cubs started off scoring early tonight and by the time we went to bed were up 7-1 with a grand slam.  

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