Monday, February 9, 2015


Cam and I have played Wii several times over the past few days.  I have to admit that I do enjoy playing it.  I am not always the best, but it is fun to try all of the different games.  One that we discovered several years ago that we still enjoy is Balance Boat.

The first time we played it was on a warm spring day.  Cameron had had a terrible asthma attack, so we could not let him go outside.  He didn't want to lay around anymore, so he asked me to try this new game he had on Wii Party.  There was a boat and Miis that we had to balance on a mast.  There were mini games to win so that our Miis would be the same size.  We tried the first few times and watched our Miis slide off into the ocean.  We laughed and were ever amazed by our inability to conquer this game.

Before we knew it two hours had passed by and at the end we finally balanced the boat with all 20 Miis cheering us on.  At the end there was a congratulations banner.  It was at this time that we realized that we had only beaten the beginner level.  To this day we still laugh every time we start a new round and one of us yells out "Congratulations, you took two hours to beat beginner!"

Tonight we actually made it to the 14th Mii on expert level before we slid off into the ocean. Although the game is fun, it isn't the challenge of the game that keeps me coming back.  It is the fun we have had and the memories that Cameron and I have made together watching those Miis swing their legs and arms wildly hoping to stay on for one more round.

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