Wednesday, February 18, 2015

And the Cold Continues

This has to be the coldest February that I can ever remember.  Tonight all after school activities were cancelled and a delay was already called for tomorrow because of the cold and wind.  Thus, we could not have practice and Cam's first fourth grade practice was cancelled as well.  Once we got home Cyndi texted and said that she was going to postpone the library board meeting as well.

I know a lot of people have been complaining about the weather, but I haven't found it as depressing as last year.  The cold is a challenge, but the snow made us all homebound last year.  This year we can get out and about.  Tonight the students were disappointed that their practice was cancelled and several of the library board members wanted to still meet.  I decided, however, to use the bonus time to get ready for Florida.  We had packed a lot over the weekend, but still had some incidentals to get together.  Cam and Meg enjoyed packing as well and we were able to finish well before bedtime.  We are all excited for Florida.  It will be hard to sleep tonight.

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