Saturday, December 7, 2013

Laura Ingalls Wilder and Louisa May Alcott

Meg finished These Happy golden years written by Laura Ingalls Wilder last week and is now reading Louisa May Alcott's Little Women.  These are two of my favorite books, written by two of my favorite childhood authors.  I am so glad that Meg has been enjoying these stories as much as I did.  I love talking about the characters with her.

Much as I did Meg identifies with Jo, the main character of Little Women - a headstrong tomboy who is also very creative and a wonderful story teller.  (She does not know that we strongly considered naming her Josephine before deciding on Margaret.)  Meg also really enjoys reading about Laura's love interest and eventual husband, Almonzo.  It was also my favorite part of the series.

I hope that one day Meg also shares my love of Jane Austen as well.  My assumption is that she will.  Austen's stories have many dynamic characters and I have to believe Meg will be just as intrigued with Elizabeth and Darcy's relationship as I was.  No matter where her love of reading takes her next, I am just so happy that all of her hard work with the eye exercises have paid off.  She can now read an unlimited time headache free.  It was music to my ears when she said, "Mom, I hate finishing a series.  I just never want it to end."

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